Ottawa Rugby, Barrhaven Scottish Rugby Football Club Logo

BSRFC Seeking Volunteers!!

If you are interested in making the Barrhaven and Ottawa communities better through volunteering with a great amateur sports organization, The Barrhaven Scottish have opportunities with the following roles.

Vice President Planning
Member of the Club Executive, reports to the Club President.
Main responsibilities: overseeing the roles and responsibilities of the Director of Merchandise & Kit, Director of Club Equipment, and Director of Fields and Field House.



Director of Bookings – Fields and Field House
Reports to the VP Planning.
Main responsibilities: 1. Liaise with the City of Ottawa to request and confirm bookings for fields (for training sessions and games) and the SNP field house (for meetings, games and events) as required by the Club; and 2. Manage Club bookings of fields and SNP field house to ensure equitable use by all programs.
Director of Club Equipment
Reports to the VP Planning.
Main responsibilities: 1. Purchase and maintenance of all club and teams’ equipment; 2. Distribution of team equipment to VPs/Team Managers at the beginning of the season and return of equipment at the end of season; and 3. Carry out audit of club and teams’ equipment, at end of season, in preparation for next season.


If you are interested in volunteering for any of these roles or for further information please contact Barb Gillie, BSRFC President.